DIC Goal

DIC Vision:

To develop a culture of innovation, design thinking and creative problem solving by disseminating the knowledge in every sphere of the society.

DIC Objectives:

  • To promote design innovation as a discipline.
  • To promote a culture of innovation and creative problem solving.
  • To facilitate evolution of new models of academia-industry interactions as well as academia-social interactions and develop institutional networks for innovations in the thematic areas such as agriculture, healthcare, water harvesting, crop protecting etc.
  • To create an ecosystem facilitating students and faculty to take their innovative ideas from classrooms to labs, labs to market.
  • To promote knowledge sharing and collaboration amongst industry, academia, government institutions, research laboratories, etc.

DIC Mission:

  • The centre aims to foster a design and innovation culture within the institute by focusing on issues in the North-West Himalayan region and other national priority areas.
  • Navaashay encourages multidisciplinary design-focused innovation and design thinking-led issue solutions through design-based education and projects.
  • The centre’s goal is to improve interaction/collaboration with institutions/organizations around the world and to develop a flagship programme in design and innovation.